.Monday, February 15, 2010 ' Monday, February 15, 2010 Y
Laughters Of Joy ♥
What a tiring day after working~~
Okay,after work called paul where is he and he said that he's at tm with wayne,nelson and zhijie and want to watch movie,ask me weather one anot.
So i rush home to change and they help me buy tickets,but the show only starts at 7 so we decide to go lan ath T-mart..
Went to take bus 28 to T-mart to meet them,waited about 20 mins??Then go lan play L4D 2 ..FUN MAN,they 3 on 1 and im the onli one :( after that zhijie came and help me..wohooo
WE WON!!!!!!!!!hahah..after that bus to century square and went for movie :))
some parts are funny to the core,esp the last last part..
So overall still okay,the only thing is this year chinese new year don't look like it's "chinese new year''..
Wednesday going to buy my boots le or else my rugby games no need play
Goodbye :)
. ' Monday, February 15, 2010 Y
Laughters Of Joy ♥
WOOOHOOOMorning wake up go work till about 11 then father come fetch me home and prepare and GO VISITING!!
Get quite alot ang bao..About 2 plus went to ah ma house,then wait wait wait,PIZZA come...Best part of the day man :)
After ah ma house went to loyang tua pek kong..The view there quite nice and walk walk till about 5 plus 6,went to my lao gu house..Best place to go man,two word SHIOCK AH :D
This year chinese new year dont have the kind of feeling that is new year and is kinda bored..
Nvm next year will be better :D
.Sunday, February 07, 2010 ' Sunday, February 07, 2010 Y
Laughters Of Joy ♥
OKAy its a long time since my last post..
Last saturday had PLs CAR WASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..
It was AWESOME!!!!!so fun luh play with water also..
After car wash,change and our way to penisula to buy shirt for new year,i onli bought a checker Shirt and a burmudas and going to buy some more on tues or wednesday..
So the star awards was AWESOME,had lots of fun and i got the newcomer award.(all newcomers got it) hahaha...
So after that went to 85 to eat with them then went home le.
Today,work @ 12 and ends @ 8..TIRING MAN!!!!
ok so tmrw got school,going to sleep le
BYE :)